Search engine optimisation


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Web design
Search engine optimisation
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Corporate Branding

    If you’ve got a brilliant web-site, do us a favour and get it noticed.

    If you’ve been exploring our website in detail, you’ll have come across our concept of commercial creativity. What this means is that we strive to deliver visually dynamic marketing communications that not only look and feel good but deliver positive commercial outcomes too.

    Given that half the world’s population now has access to the Web and nearly 90% of all web users find websites through search engines, it comes as no surprise to discover that search engines drive more than half of all online purchases.

    Therefore, if your website is to achieve its objective of becoming an effective sales and marketing tool for your business, users have to know its there, how to get there and how to stay there.

    Because of this fundamental principle, creativesuit has developed a range of search engine marketing services to enable you to dramatically increase the number of fully qualified sales leads to your website.

    1. Search Engine Optimisation (Organic)
    2. Pay Per Click services
    3. Search Engine position tracking
    4. Web traffic analysis
    5. Reporting and return on investment

    Search Engine Optimisation (Organic)

    Search engine optimisation is the process of optimising your web site so that when a user searches on a search engine like Google for a term relevant to your product or service, your web site is visible at the top of the results.

    This means that when a user then clicks on your company name in the results page, they are hitting your site as a fully qualified sales lead – i.e they are actively seeking your products and services.

    Consider for a moment that over 360 million searches take place daily on search engines across the globe. Apart from offering you a huge potential market it also means that your original geographical boundaries are completely redefined – the international marketplace is, quite literally, your oyster.

    To make sure you reach as many potential customers as possible, we provide the following services:

    SEO Glossary

    We provide the following services:

    • Keyword analysis
    • Competitor analysis
    • On-page optimisation
    • Deep site optimisation
    • Valuable link building
    • Solutions for non-search engine compatible sites
    • Solutions for catalogue sites
    • Brand protective approach
    • Fast, manual submission
    • Optimisation for a re-brands
    • Position reporting

    The results we achieve for our clients are:

    • Fast
    • High ranking
    • Effective – designed to bring qualified traffic, not just random clicks
    • Widespread – deep tagging for maximum exposure
    • Providing obvious results, proven and robust
    • Aimed at marketplace dominance
    • Ambitious
    • Big, bold and out there

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    Pay Per Click Marketing

    Pay Per Click (PPC) is the process of pre-defining your keywords, setting a maximum cost per click for that keyword, and determining your daily spend.
    The advantages of undertaking a PPC campaign is:

    • Immediate visibility on search engines – up and running within hours
    • Competitive return on investment
    • Available with all the large search engines – Google, MSN, etc
    • Highly targeted

    Our PPC Ad Management service ensures that all your campaigns are targeted, affordable and accountable.

    We will get your campaign rolling on Overture, Google, ESpotting, MSN, and others by helping to define the most productive keywords, advise on the expenditure limits and shift your campaign focus when necessary. And we’ll also alert you when any opportunities or gaps in the market become available.

    A typical PPC campaign will take around a week to go live once you instruct us to put into action and by then you will definitely see an increase in the number of visitors.

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    Search Engine Position Tracking

    By tracking your website’s position in all the major search engines, we can then plot your position against your competitors to give you more information about your online marketplace.

    Research shows that 68 percent of marketing executives are unable to measure an online marketing campaign’s return on investment. We think this an incredible figure given that around 20% of a company’s marketing budget is spent in online marketing.

    creativesuit can provide monthly reports on how your website is performing in all the major search engines, and compare that performance against your competitors. This valuable information – which also plots your performance over time – then enables you to increase your online marketing activity or tweak your keywords and phrases.

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    Web Traffic Analysis

    This is a popular service used by many organisations who do not have the time, resources and software to produce accurate and reliable reports on their website traffic.

    creativesuit can produce monthly reports telling you exactly what you want to know about the traffic to your website – users, pages, search engine analysis, bandwidth and much more.

    From your log files (which we’ll either download directly or have sent to us), we will then produce an easy to read report that details all the activity on your website for that month. We will then provide trend data to allow you to see whether the number of visitors is increasing, whether your search engine marketing campaign is working, and other critical information.

    We’re not miracle workers, but we can make things change for the better.
    For good.

    With the way search engines change their algorithms, and search criteria, it’s really important that you keep your finger on the SEO pulse. Or you use an agency that does.

    That’s our job. We make it our business to know what is happening in the wonderful world of “New Media”, and ensure we pass our knowledge onto our clients.

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    Reporting and Return on Investment

    Commercial creativity is all about being accountable for the performance of our marketing communications. At creativesuit we’re big on supplying quantifiable data to measure the return on your investments, and search engine marketing is no different. Therefore, before we commence any new search engine marketing campaign we will perform a complete audit of your websites.

    Included with this will be an analysis of your previous 3-6 months of web statistics to allow us to establish a benchmark and plan how we will dramatically increase the number of qualified leads to your website.

    We can then provide monthly statistical reports on how many visitors you’re receiving, where they’re coming from, and most importantly your return on investment including the average cost per visiting user.

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