Is your web working?
Not sure if your web site is working properly for you?
Click here, and we’ll give you a free appraisal on your web sites performance.
How do you make your web site work better?
We are always giving clients advice on how to ensure their web site achieves the maximun results possible, so they achieve their maximum return on their investment.
Click here to get in touch, and we’ll tell you more…
If you’re going to choose us in preference to another company, we want you to make an informed decision based on a clear understanding of why we’re different and better. We put it down to how we work, how we listen, how we communicate and how we work hard to understand. Allow us to explain.
At creativesuit we understand that the success of any project is built upon clear communication. Before we start a project, we work hard to ensure that both side have a 100%, watertight understanding of what is to be delivered, over what time scale, and how we will work to achieve it.
We Listen:
With every client we sit down and listen to what they have to say about their business, their customers, and how the currently interact with them. The two ears and one mouth approach underpins our briefing process for the simple reason that we need to understand every aspect of your business before we can make any judgement on what benefits we can add to them.
We Scribble:
After an initial meeting, we all sit down and talk about your proposed project and our initial instincts on how we can enhance your marketing communications.
It’s at this point that we produce a Statement of Work which is a simple document that defines our key fundamental points of knowledge about your business, your marketing issues and your overall objectives.
In this document we will outline precisely what we think we need to do, why we have come up with our proposed approach, schedules of when this will be done, and a full breakdown of costs. By doing this, both sides know exactly what we are aiming for and there is no confusion – nor nasty surprises further along the line.
We Communicate:
You’ll be mightily relieved to know that we practice what we preach – by using effective communication at every level of our business. Apart from talking in the way that humans have done for thousands of years we also used state of the art web-based software technology which allows our clients to be able to keep a track of where the project is.
Don’t worry, it really is a no-brainer to use and you don’t need any additional software. Basically, we all communicate through this extremely clever online tool so that our account managers, project managers, copywriters, designers, developers and anybody you wants to talk to can communicate via the same platform. As they say, its good to talk – and nowhere more so than creativesuit.